Öffnungszeiten Mo-Do: 9-17 Uhr, Fr geschlossen Telefonzeiten Mo, Di und Do 9-17 Uhr Mi 9-12 Uhr, Fr geschlossen
Standort Wuppertal Tel.+49 (0)202 2978965 0
Postanschrift Postfach 13 06 19
42033 Wuppertal

Tax dispute and lawsuit

We stand up for your interests

Citizens and the state are not in agreement. This is especially true when it comes to money. The state focuses on maximizing tax revenue and therefore always interprets facts and laws in its favor. This often results in tax disputes and lawsuits.

The taxpayer has the same right and may interpret this and the situation to his advantage within the framework of the applicable laws. In the resulting tax dispute, we are your strong partner and represent your interests vis-à-vis the tax authorities. If a solution is not possible at the administrative level, we will also represent you in legal proceedings before the tax courts.

The appeal and legal action procedure is subject to a time limit. Therefore, do not hesitate to assert your rights and, if necessary, inform us of the urgency when making an appointment.

Among other things, we support you with
  • the legal assessment of the tax issue
  • the assessment of the prospects of success of the tax dispute
  • the procedural requirements of the legal remedy
  • legal representation before all fiscal courts

Further services

You will also find the following in our service portfolio:

Do you have any questions or are you interested in our services?

Talk to us. We will be happy to advise you.

Your contact person

Christian Mangold

Tax consultant

T +49 (0)202 2978965 0
F +49 (0)202 2978965 0
